Sunday 3 May 2009

Puzzle for the Bank holiday weekend

Over this weekend the last three rounds of the 4NCL, the national team competition, takes place. The Littlethorpe 1st team has got chances to get into a promotion spot for Divison 2 for next year, so Sean has paid for two professional players to ensure some good results over the weekend. The two players are GM Danny Gormally (2487) and John Sugden (2227).

This means that Alan Byron, who is the usual Board 1, is playing on Board 3. Could he maintain his good form in such illustrious company and a critical match? This is the game from yesterday's (Saturday) game where Alan played the winning move - can you find it?:
[Alan Byron (2168) - Anthony Higgs (1995)] White to play and win.
Hope you like this one - the variations are very pretty and worth thinking through (medium).