Monday, 3 March 2014

A good win for the 6th team against Kirby's third team. Believe it or not squad, the 6th team is now in 2nd place in division 5!
John was first to finish. A very quick game in the end. John won a piece in the opening phase of the game and then managed a pin with a rook on his opponent's queen against the King. John mated his opponent's King towards the middle of the board in some style! Well played John.
Paul was next to finish, I'm sorry Paul I didn't see any of your game, but well played on your result. I saw the end position and it looked pretty good for you.
Darren lost against his talented young opponent, I think Darren was a little complacent as his young opponent steamed Darren with some excellent moves. Darren had beaten his opponent earlier in the season.
I offered a draw early which was declined. I then made a move which gave me a good chance of winning although not clear cut. I was then offered a draw. After a good look around, I decided to play on. In the end I was right as I converted winning a pawn then a piece to a win from what I felt was a drawish position.
Grant was next to finish. An excellent win for Grant as he mated his opponent after Queening a pawn and his opponent walked into a forced mate. Well played Grant!
Last to finish was Frank. By his own admission he thought he was winning a piece in the opening, but he didn't calculate properly as the winning of said piece involved losing Frank's queen to a rook. Frank played on - as you all know, I don't like to see people give up early, well done Frank - but his opponent won through.
Ben Vaughan