Sunday, 22 December 2013


DIV 1 – 2nd Team Lose  Away at Shepshed 1
19-Dec-13 v. Shepshed 1 (A)
1. A. Toothill 0.5 A. Morley 0.5
2. R. Henfrey 1 A. Ward 0
3. S. Sheahan 1 I. Dodds 0
4. P. McDermott 0.5 P. Harlow 0.5
5. N. Toothill 1 S. Wylie 0
4 1
DIV 3 – 4th Team Lose to Latimer 1
19-Dec-13 v. Latimer 1 (H)
1. A. Pike 0.5 K. Potter 0.5
2. S. Smith 0   M. Garland 1
3. G. Sim 0 B. Slater 1
4. S. Dawkins 1 G. Hill 0
1.5 2.5

Saturday, 14 December 2013

12 DecWigston 6vAshby 4
5½ - ½
1B107Cooper, Barrie1 - 0Page, Peter107
2W111Winterton, Paul½ - ½Brown, Mick87
3B110McKiernan, John1 - 0Williams, Richard86
4W109Hulford, Frank1 - 0Roberts, Neil80
5B104Vaughan, Ben1 - 0Nicholson, Brian59
6W69Dean, Simon1 - 0Holmes, Stephen54
A fantastic win team, well done to all of those that played. Firstly, I should apologise to my team on the night. I am sorry that we had the wooden boards without any lettered/numbered squares. Basically, as Frank and Darren are only too aware, I was running late and I wasn't there to set up. The team had changed somewhat from my initial team but we achieved an excellent win nevertheless. The reason for the change was that Grant phoned me to say that he wasn't up to playing, but would play if necessary and I owe big thanks to John and Barrie for stepping in at the 11th hour last night. Due to finishing work late, I couldn't pick Darren up, so Barrie filled in. Anyway, to the match: -
Simon won first against his opponent who decided that because the squares weren't marked, he wasn't going to write moves down. Simon - I consulted the rule book and he should have had a time penalty for this and if your game had gone to 30 moves (which it didn't), you would have made him write the moves down using your score sheet in his own time. Anyway, the game didn't get to 30 moves as Simon pounded his opponent with some of the best chess that I've ever seen him play. Well done Simon!
Second to finish was Frank, who's opponent slightly miscalculated a Queen exchange as Frank's capture of his opponent's Queen was with check and after the King move out of check, Frank moved his Queen out of harm's way, winning a Queen for a Bishop. Frank then traded a few pieces down and his opponent had enough and resigned. Well played Frank.
Next to finish was me, with my first win of the season. My opponent allowed me to fork a Bishop and Knight with a pawn and again, after the material advantage, I traded down winning a couple of pawns. I then Queened my b pawn for the win.
John was next to finish, another excellent win, but not in the cleanest way this time. John had the slightly better position and his opponent, by his own admission, touched the wrong piece. John rightly pointed out that he'd touched it and it looked like the bishop he touched was guarding a Rook and it had no legal move to continue guarding it, so he resigned. Well done John.
Next was Barrie, Barrie is doing a sensational job this year and another win for him. I didn't see the final position, but another excellent win for Barrie, well done.
Last to finish, and with all of us watching him, was Paul. It looked a very precarious position, both had doubled Rooks and Paul's opponent's Knight was hopping around the board with annoying effect. It looked a little drawn if material was level, but Paul was two pawns up and Nik had an opinion that if he traded down, which could have been possible, Paul could have had a winning chance. To be fair to Paul, he asked me the match score and we were 5-0 up with his to play. I think Paul offered a draw because we had won the match, well done Paul and well done everybody, a very pleasing result!
Ben Vaughan

Friday, 13 December 2013


DIV 2 – 3rd Team Lose away at Melton 2
11-Dec-13 v. Melton 2 (A)
1. S. Cope 0.5 I. Dodds 0.5
2. A. Jex 1 A. Reeves 0
3. C. Knight 1 S. Wylie 0
4. G. Botteley 0.5 S. Dawkins 0.5
5. R. Wallace 0 N.Chalashkanov 1
3 2
DIV 3 – 4th Team Win against Thurnby 2
12-Dec-13 v. Thurnby 2 (H)
1. A. Pike 0 R. Graf 1
2. S. Smith 1   R. Collins 0
3. G. Sim 0.5 M. Tate 0.5
4. R. Van Stee 1 D. Pratt 0
2.5 1.5


DIV 1 – 2nd Team have an excellent Draw with Melton 1
5-Dec-13 v. Melton 1 (H)
1. A. Morley 0 G. Lee 1
2. P. Horspool 0.5 J. Denton 0.5
3. A. Ward 0.5 T. Reynolds 0.5
4. G. Cohen 1 J. Billingham 0
5. I. Dodds 0.5 R. Mitchell 0.5
2.5 2.5
DIV 3 – 4th Team Lose to leaders Heathcote 2
5-Dec-13 v. Heathcote 2(H)
1. A. Pike 0   G. Booley 1
2. S. Smith 0.5 P. Harrison 0.5
3. S. Dawkins 0 M. Cowley 1
4. R. Van Stee 0.5 J. Manger 0.5
1 3

Sunday, 1 December 2013


DIV 1 – 1st Team return to the top of the tables with a big Win away at Shephed 1
28-Nov-13 v. Shepshed 1 (A)
1. A. Toothill 0 A. Byron 1
2. R. Bowley 0.5 M. Burrows 0.5
3. R. Henfrey 0 A. Morley 1
4. S. Sheahan 0.5 P. Horspool 0.5
5. N. Toothill 0 A. Ward 1
1 4
DIV 2 – 3rd Team have their first Win of the season at home against Loughborough 2
28-Nov-13 v. Loughborough 2(H)
1. I. Dodds 0.5 G. Adcock 0.5
2. A. Reeves 0.5 M. Hulland 0.5
3. S. Wylie 0.5 J. Glover 0.5
4. A. Pike 1 P. Hickman 0
5. R. Van Stee 1 T. Adcock 0
3.5 1.5

Friday, 29 November 2013

Right then, a busy old week again chaps but a positive one nonetheless. We start with the 5th team away at Melton Mowbray 3 on Wednesday: -
1 B 146 Cope, Shaun 1 - 0 Chalashkanov, Nikola 129
2 W 122 Gist, Elizabeth 1 - 0 Eastlake, Charles 120
3 B 73 Keightley, Andrew 0 - 1 French, Barry 115
4 W 60 Walton, Alison 0 - 1 Goldsmith, Rory 114

A slightly disappointing draw team, but the 5th team still remain undefeated - a marvellous achievement so far - well done squad! Unfortunately no amusing reports / confessions this time but good (and expected) wins for Barry F and Rory so well done to you two, that's Rory's first win of the season. Well done Rory. Nik was outgraded but put up a good fight and Charles lost, Nik did try and show me your fatal mistake Charles - all I can say is OOPS!
Now on to the 6th team last night: -
1 B 107 Cooper, Barrie 1 - 0 Lathwood, Roy 114
2 W 109 Hammond, Grant 1 - 0 Closs, Guy 101
3 B 109 Hulford, Frank 0 - 1 Barlow, Steve 89
4 W 110 McKiernan, John 1 - 0 Martin, Paul 88

A very pleasing win this one was team, in more ways than one. Some of you might have noticed that since becoming the Minor County Champion, John's form has nosedived. I consulted the club captain and said that I'd like to play him on the lowest board possible. Because of his poor form, I was able to play him on the 4th board without breaking the rules.
First to finish was Barrie Cooper. My 5th and 6th team squad has some players in excellent form at the minute and Barrie is one of them. A brilliant win for Barrie when his opponent realised that he couldn't stop a passed pawn queening, the pawn being aided by Barrie's King.
Second to finish was Frank. I'm afraid that Frank fell to a suspected case of gamemanship. Frank told me after the game that he exchanged Queens and maybe forgot to press his clock, with Frank's half of the exchange gone, his opponent took an age to play such an obvious move. (Alarm bells should ring!) His opponent pleaded ignorance after the game but Frank lost on time being a pawn up in the middlegame.
Out of form John was next to finish, firstly losing a piece after 6 moves (a world record for me - I've not seen anything quicker OTB), but the finish was pleasant. His opponent moved his queen and this move removed said queen from the protection of the mating square it was protecting. I called John a lucky person (or words to that effect) after the game.
Finally there was Grant, another player in fine form absolutely steamrolling his opponent during the middlegame and seemingly finding the best move each time. He was 6 pawns up when after a check was given by Grant, his opponent moved his King to the one square that allowed a mate in one. Extremely well played Grant.
Ben Vaughan

Friday, 22 November 2013

21 NovWigston 6vSyston 5
2 - 3
1B111Winterton, Paul1 - 0Adams, Mick94
2W110McKiernan, John0 - 1Mundy, Rob86
3B102Poulacheris, Darren1 - 0Agger, Reg88
4W104Vaughan, Ben0 - 1Veitch, Robert88
5B69Dean, Simon0 - 1Morelli, Nando58
A disappointing result. I didn't see much of everyone's games though, again I apologise.
The night started off well enough, Paul was first to win. Paul's comment after the game was 'he just kept giving his pieces away', I have yet to face such an opponent! Still, he needed beating Paul and you did it well.
I think that John fell next, I didn't see much of the position but I hear that John lost a piece early and again it fell apart for him.
Simon was next to fall, losing a piece in the middlegame - his opponent saying 'I thought it was a trap!' before realising it was a freebie. Simon was mated by two queened pawns in the end.
I was next to fall. After having an excellent opening and fritz saying I had an advantage, I managed to miss winning a piece, hotly followed by trading off in a bad position and letting the advantage slip away and facing an ugly endgame with a passed pawn and strong king which started pawn munching.
The night ended on a positive with Darren winning on time but in a good position anyway. (BV)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

20 Nov Red Admiral 1 v Wigston 5
1½ - 2½
1 B 134 Johnson, Andy 0 - 1 Chalashkanov, Nikola 129
2 W 130 Findley, Paul 1 - 0 Eastlake, Charles 120
3 B 121 Wylie, Paul 0 - 1 French, Barry 115
4 W 125 Findley, Laurence ½ - ½ Goldsmith, Rory 114


Report from Charles Eastlake: -


From last night chess I recreated 2 records, more of these later but first a problem for all you chess fanatics…..after the following opening moves what would you do next if you had the black pieces?


1 E4 C6, 2 D3 D5, 3 Nd2 D5xE4, 4 D3 x E4 NF6, 5 H3 E5, 6 Nf3 Bc5 7 c3……?


No cheating please this is a problem at the board so don't move those pieces… this position is one of the reasons why I like chess and after a good think I chose B x f2 +.


There followed the obvious 8 Kxf2 N e4+, 9 Ke1.


My next move was one of the reason why I hate chess as, to my opponent delight, I chose the terrible Qb6. That was my last move of the night and hence my 1st record was in place - my quickest ever loss in my chess career.


This position leads me to a second puzzle should you play on when you are 2 pieces down? Clearly the answer even at our level is no as I wisely elected to resign. The only positive I could take from my game was that it enabled me to view the other 3 games in there entirety. This second puzzle about being 2 pieces down occurred for a second time in the evening as Nik on board one found himself in such a position where he was 2 pieces up but with an opponent who choose to play on. .. more of this later.


Rory's game looked very complicated as there was a lot of back and forth moves and a position that was becoming very blocked. Barry meanwhile was playing a strong hand as he castled quite early queenside to lock a nice pin with his rook on D1 to a black knight on d7 and the black queen on D8. Back to Board one and Nik though being 2 pieces was having problems co-ordinating his pieces and his opponent held the position like Rory's game in a locked pawn structure. Rory then offered a draw and his opponent accepted so then we were 1.5 to 0.5 down.  Still no resignation on board one as Nik slowly moved his pieces to the kingside and hoped for a break though to unlock the blocked position. Sure enough he did manage to exchange all the major pieces and then his opponent resigned on the brink of the pawn chain collapsing. So it was down to Barry who was by now left with his queen to a rook and bishop. Thankfully Barry finished his game with a very nice position leaving his queen en prise for his opponent's rook which would have allowed a pawn promotion which his opponent could do nothing to prevent.


Hence my second record of the night… my first win as acting captain for our fifth team. I thank you fellow team members for bailing my out, that's why it's a team game.


Finally as we were out graded on every board this was a very pleasing result.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


DIV 1 – 1st Team return to top place with a big win away at Melton 1
13-Nov-13 v. Melton 1(A)
1. J. Denton 0 M. Burrows 1
2. T. Reynolds 0 A. Byron 1
3. J. Billingham 0.5 P. Horspool 0.5
4. R. Mitchell 0.5 A. Morley 0.5
5. S. Cope 0 A. Ward 1
  1 4
DIV 3 – 3rd Team get first points with a Draw against Ashby 2
14-Nov-13 v. Ashby 2 (H)
1. I. Dodds 0.5 R. Vann 0.5
2. A. Reeves 0.5 L. Hayden 0.5
3. S. Dawkins 0 P. Gibson 1
4. S. Wylie 0.5 C. Tipper 0.5
5. A. Pike 1 D. Reynolds 0
2.5 2.5