Sunday, 31 May 2009


1st Team - Divsion 1 - CHAMPIONS (7)
2nd Team - Divsion 1 - 5th (7)
3rd Team - Division 2 - 5th (9)
4th Team - Division 3 - 6th (10)
5th Team - Division 4 - 3rd (10)
League Cups:
A Team - D12 Cup - 6th (8)
B Team - D34 Cup - WINNERS (10)
DIV 2 - 3rd Team lose final match at Spinney Hill



Spinney Hill 1(A)


P. Deacon


I. Dodds



K. Potter


E. Galyov



D. Robinson


A. Pike



J. Marlow


J. Daniel



B. Slater


R. Townsend





Sunday, 17 May 2009


DIV 2 - 3rd Team lose to Braunstone 2
14-May-09 v. Braunstone 2(H)
1. S. Smith 0 S. Gonem 1
2. A. Pike 0 P. Colburn 1
3. J. Daniel 0 M. Salisbury 1
4. R. Townsend 0.5 A. Robinson 0.5
5. P. Gray 0.5 G. Young 0.5
1 4
DIV 4 - 5th team draw against Braunstone 4
 - the team has finished in a very creditable 3rd place.
12-May-09 v. Braunstone 4(A)
1. J. Impey 1 P. Gray 0
2. P. Martin 0 C. Eastlake 1
3. P. Martin 0 D. Wilkins 1
4. O. Khawasha 1 P. Winterton 0
  2   2
D34 League Cup - Round 5 - B team win against Littlethorpe D
14-May-09 v. Littlethorpe D (H)
1. B. Cooper 0 R. Salter 1
2. F. Hulford 1 C. Ross 0
3. C. Eastlake 1 R. Beach 0
4. P. Winterton 1 Default 0
Bonus 0 Bonus 1
3 2

Friday, 8 May 2009


DIV 1 - 2nd Team finish with an excellent draw with Braunstone 1
7-May-09 v. Braunstone 1(H)
1. P. Horspool 1 J. Robinson 0
2. A. Morley 1 J. Bingham 0
3. A. Ward 0 D. Sandrovitch 1
4. P. Watkinson 0 P. Colburn 1
5. I. Dodds 0.5 S. Gonem 0.5
  2.5 2.5
DIV 3 - 4th Team finish season with a good win against Braunstone 3
7-May-09 v. Braunstone 3(H)
1. J. Daniel 1   R. Lathwood 0
2. B. Shuter 0.5 J. Oliver 0.5
3. P. Gray 1 G. Closs 0
4. D. White 1 Default 0
3.5 0.5
DIV 4 - 5th team have comfortable win over Littlethorpe 5
5-May-09 v. Littlethorpe 5(A)
1. C. Ross 0.5 P. Gray 0.5
2. D. Ricketts 0 D. White 1
3. R. Beach 0.5 C. Eastlake 0.5
4. H. Triboulloy 0 D. Wilkins 1
1 3

Wigston 2 v Braunstone 1 match result


Played last night:

1  Horspool, Phil 180  1-0  181 Robinson, John
2 Morley, Andy 173 1-0 158 Bingham, Jim
3 Ward, Alan 173 0-1 159 Sandrovitch, David
4 Watkinson, Phil 159 0-1 156 Colburn, Paul J
5 Dodds, Iain 154 Drawn 0 Gonem, Sherif
calculated score ----2.5 - 2.5 -------------------

For the last match of the season both teams put out their strongest side; the chess played, however, was a lot more variable.

In my game, on board 4, my chess was terrible and easily the worst in a generally horrible season; my position was resignable within 20 moves. Alan, on board 3, wasn't a great deal happier; his loss was only marginally more dignified.

Iain, on Board 5, was also struggling; trying to defend a classic king side attack where the question to onlookers was "how many moves before he is mated?" rather than "can he survive?". But survive he did, at the cost of only one pawn, which Iain confidently steered to a draw.

This was the turning point in the match; on board 2, Andy had an excellent position with a pawn on the seventh rank; but Jim took him to a same coloured bishops ending before accepting defeat.

On board 1, Phil Horspool was a pawn up against John Robinson, also in a same coloured bishops ending, but looking like a draw. In a quick play part of the game, time trouble approached, and Phil was pressing on, and trying to make progress, John taking a lot of time to choose his moves. On a couple of occasions, John offered a draw, to be refused by Phil.

After John's flag fell, he claimed that there was a 3 fold repetition, which could not be verified due to the number of unrecorded moves; Phil, quite understandably, claimed the game.

The quickplay rules are tough, but they are clear. If John thought that the position was a draw and that Phil was only playing on to win on time, then John should have stopped the clock and made that claim; to make claims after your flag has fallen are unlikely to succeed. These two experienced players know this; and although the spirit of chess play may not be advanced, the letter of the quickplay rules support Phil's win.

The match was therefore drawn.

I would like to thank everyone who has played for the Second team this season.


Answer to chess puzzle

Hi, Everyone,
I gave a position from my game with David Farrall, let's remind ourselves (altho' it reminds me what rubbish chess I am playing at the moment...) of David's fanstastic attacking position:

[David Farrall - Phil Watkinson; White to play and win].

and it looks like curtains for me; the question was: how would you proceed with the attack? We already mentioned that 19. Qh3 could be met by my defensive resource ...Rh8.

The obvious move 19. Rh7+? also fails: 19. ...Kxh7 20. Qh3+ Kg8 21. Rh1 with mate next move is saved by 21. ... Bxg5+ 22. Kc2 Bh4! and the bishop blocks the h-file and protects the f6 square from the knight check.

The move that David played was: 19. Qf4!

Threatening mate on f7. This threat, plus the attack down the h-file will be decisive. My planned defence, ...Nxe5, now does not work: 19. ... Nxe5 20. Qxe5+ f6 21. gxf6+ Bxf6 22. Nxf6 Qxf6 23. Rxg6+ Kf7 24. Qxg6 mate (horrible!).

So my only move is to protect f7: 19. ... Rf8. Which means that my other main defensive resource, ...Rh8 cannot be used! My defensive plans in tatters - all due to a move of one square by the White queen!

Play continued: 20. Rh6 (allowing the doubling of rooks and preventing any thought of ... f6) 20. ... Qe8 21. Rgh1 Rg8 (to give my king an escape square - what else is there?) 22. Rh7+ I resigned. (1-0):

[The final position].

After 22. ... Kf8, 23. Rxf7+ Qxf7 24. Qxf7# is mate; although Fritz prefers the more exotic: 23. Nxd7+ Qxd7 24. Qxf7# mate.

Excellent attacking play by David.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Puzzle for the Bank holiday weekend

Over this weekend the last three rounds of the 4NCL, the national team competition, takes place. The Littlethorpe 1st team has got chances to get into a promotion spot for Divison 2 for next year, so Sean has paid for two professional players to ensure some good results over the weekend. The two players are GM Danny Gormally (2487) and John Sugden (2227).

This means that Alan Byron, who is the usual Board 1, is playing on Board 3. Could he maintain his good form in such illustrious company and a critical match? This is the game from yesterday's (Saturday) game where Alan played the winning move - can you find it?:
[Alan Byron (2168) - Anthony Higgs (1995)] White to play and win.
Hope you like this one - the variations are very pretty and worth thinking through (medium).

Saturday, 2 May 2009


DIV 2 - 3rd Team win against Market Harborough
30-Apr-09 v. Mkt Harborough (H)
1. S. Smith 0 R. Ilersic 1
2. J. Wells 0.5 J. Thomson 0.5
3. A. Pike 0.5 P. Hatton 0.5
4. J. Daniel 1 G. Johnson 0
5. R. Townsend 1 Default 0
3 2
DIV 4 - 5th Team lose to top team Ashby 3
30-Apr-09 v. Ashby 3(H)
1. B. Cooper 0 S. Rigby 1
2. F. Hulford 0 P. Gibson 1
3. D. Wilkins 0 V. Armstrong 1
4. P. Winterton 0 D. Reynolds 1
0 4
D12 League Cup - Round 5 - A team lose to Melton A on handicap



Melton A (H)


A. Byron


J. Denton



W. Dehnen


J. Billingham



A. Morley


S. Peters



P. Watkinson


S. Cope







